
Gunze Supports the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster (Additional Information 2nd)

Osaka-Gunze Limited (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan, President: Toshiyasu Saguchi) [TOKYO: 3002] would like to express our sincere condolences and sympathy to the people affected by the massive earthquake that struck Japan on January 1, 2024.
At the request of the Social Emergency Management Alliance (SEMA*), a disaster relief alliance, Gunze has provided the following goods.
Gunze wishes to restore the affected areas as soon as possible and will continue to provide support as requested by the affected areas.
*SEMA is a one-stop alliance for corporate goods and services in the event of a large-scale natural disaster in Japan. In the event of a major natural disaster in Japan, private companies and civil society organizations will work together to provide goods and services that the companies have.

Support Overview

1. Goods to support
Men’s & Women’s thermal insulation underwear 12,000 pieces
Men’s & Women’s thermal insulation socks 4,000 pieces.
2. Where to support
SEMA relay station in Nanao city, Ishikawa
3. Shipment
Shipped from Gunze Kyoto & Nishinomiya Logistics Center, Tohoku Gunze and Hyogo Gunze and delivered them through Civic Force, a public interest incorporated association affiliated with SEMA.
4. Arrival date
Underwear on January 12 & Socks on January 13.

Delivery of support goods



Gunze Limited
Corporate Communication Department
TEL: 81-6-6348-1314 (Shinji Nonaka)

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