Stock Information

Corporate Stock Summary

Securities code 3002 (Japan)
Number of shares issued and outstanding 17,293,516 shares
Number of shareholders 25,961 shareholders
Fiscal year end March 31
Number of shares per trading unit 100 shares
Stock listings First Section, Tokyo Stock Exchange
Transfer agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank Limited

Breakdown of Shares by Shareholder Category


※ The pie graph shows ratios against the total number of shares issued

Principal Shareholders and Number of Shares Held

Shareholders Number of shares held (thousand issues) Shareholding ratio (%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 2,513 15.07
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. 2,263 15.57
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. 547 3.28
Gunze Group Employee Shareholding Association 491 2.95
National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives 351 2.10
DFA International Small Cap Value Portfolio 303 1.82
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 290 1.74
GSI Creos Corporation 271 1.63
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. 199 1.20
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 385781 195 1.17

※ The Company holds 613 shares of treasury stock. Shareholding ratios are calculated by excluding the treasury stock.

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