Mechatronics Business

FeatureGunze Mechatronics Division responds to our customers
'desire to "do something", we respond to our customers'
needs with technology and reliability.
Gunze Mechatronics designs, manufactures and offers labor saving machines for packaging, printing, dairy, beverage, food products, pharmaceutical and other industries. We respond to the wide variety of customer needs with our reliable technologies cultivated at various sites. Also we contribute to the development of eco-friendly products, and the improvement of work efficiency and productivity by automating.
Gunze’s Mechatronics Business
Equipment for Packaging and Film Wrapping
Our machine performing automatically all processes of bag making and packaging and sealing was designed to meet a various purpose of packaging needs. We offer the efficiency of packaging work in many different sites.

(Bag Making and Packaging Machine)Our bag making and packaging machine performs automatically as a series of processes from film roll delivering, bag making and packaging to sealing at high speed.
Equipment for Post-press of Printing Industry
Over many years, Gunze has been supplying labor saving machines for printing industries at home and abroad, especially in the field of post-press equipment for commercial web offset. We have installed more than 4,000 machines since we developed our stacker bundler which stacks and straps the printed products in 1973.

(Stacker Bundler)Our stacker bundler stacks, aligns and straps the printed products which are delivered from web offset press.
Equipment for Dairy, Beverage and Food products
Since Gunze started manufacturing and selling of bottle washing machine in 1955, we have been responding to the various needs of customers with our reliable washing and handling technologies. Our carton caser and case washer are receiving good views from various quarters.

(Label Stripping Case Washer)Our label stripping case washer removes the sticker of address label while washing plastic case.
Equipment for Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
Gunze machine having high accuracy can be incorporated into various production lines and is expanding activity to sites of pharmaceutical and cosmetic.

(Rotating Positioner)The rotating positioner performs the positioning accurately while rotating the container at high speed to face the specified position.
Division/Factories/Japanese and Overseas Affiliates
Mechatronics Division